
#Lync QuickTake: Microsoft Updates Lync IP Desk Phones Page With New Devices

lync quicktake

Looks like Microsoft updated the Lync IP Desk Phones page. Very interesting format and some of the devices that were added in the recent month.

Take a peak:

Also, don’t miss the updated IP phone comparison PDF: click here

Lync QuickTake: Provides Whiteboard Devices for Lync

lync quicktake

Just noticed this whiteboard product that works with Microsoft Lync from Smart. Sounds like Microsoft Technology Centers are using them.  You might want to take a look


#Lync User QuickTip #12: Free Add-on to Popup New Instant Message

crank toy

Some people love it, some hate it, but a fairly common request is for new IM’s to be automatically popped open. By default in Lync they just stay at the bottom of the screen.

SuperToast by Modality Systems

Modality Systems has released an elegant tool that solves the popup issue while at the same time maintaining Lync’s MPOP (multiple points of presence) feature. You can get this free addon by email


Read all about the addon by going to:

LyncPopper by Technet User

Another solution: Technet user, Jumper4000, has created a small Lync enhancement that merely pops open Lync messages. A challenge with this method is it breaks MPOP and takes the focus away from what you are doing on your PC. But it’s an option.

Warning: This is a very new app. So be aware you are testing a beta.
Some users have been noting Norton/Symantec detects this as a virus.

Click here to read:

Click here to get:

Hands On Report About Coming Lync Mobile for Windows Phone #lync #wp7

WPcentral got some hands on time with Lync Mobile for Windows Phone. What were their comments?
  • “Very Fast…”
  • “Quite Snazzy…”
  • “Easily reach contacts through voice, IM, SMS or email…”
NetworkWorld in a seperate article notes that Lync Mobile will be preinstalled on the new Nokia WindowsPhone devices.

Read the whole article below

A More Detailed Look at the Coming snom 720 and snom 760: Looks Interesting #snom #lync

Below are higher resolution pictures of the snom 720 and 760. These are expected to arrive in distribution sometime Nov-Dec 2011 time frame.

The snom 7xx series is a widely interoperable SIP desk phone. I think they are interesting because of the density of definable buttons (18 on 720 and 12 on 760)

This button density is also interesting in light of eventually being interoperable with Lync via  Lync Qualified firmware. I know Lync purist’s may sneer at “buttons” but I don’t think it would be bad to have such a phone for scenarios where the “key system” mentality persists in some corner of the company.


It should be noted that the snom 7xx series definable buttons have 2 color LED’s for each button.

The snom 760 pictured below appears to have a very nice looking UC contact list on the screen. (click to enlarge).


It is not known if this phone will have Lync Qualified firmware available when delivered or if that will come later.

#Lync User QuickTip #11: Want Mobile Devices to Attend the Visual Part of Your Next Lync Meeting? Here’s How

You would like to do a Lync meeting but you know there are some mobile users that want to attend the audio and visual portion of your meeting. The audio part is no problem with Lync as the users can dial in. If your presentation is PowerPoint you can use a neat feature in PowerPoint called “broadcast” to include these users.

This is a workaround, but then you accommodate almost any mobile device including:

  • iPhone
  • iPad
  • Android
  • WindowsPhone
  • Windows Mobile 6.x (thanks to @twkisner
  • Symbian? (soon if not now)
  • Blackberry?
  • Others (If you have one you tested, please let me know!)


The basic steps to doing this

  1. Setup a normal Lync Meeting as usual. This will take care of the audio portion (and of course get an appt. in place for them)
  2. Use PowerPoint 2010 for your Power Point broadcast (instead of, or in parallel to Lync)
  3. Email or IM the the PowerPoint Broadcast URL to those users that need it when the Lync Meeting begins.

So your meeting is ready to begin and you want to start your broadcast for mobile devices: Open your PowerPoint 2010 presentation and click on Slide Show | Broadcast Slide Show | Start Broadcast.


Now you can either email this broadcast URL to the mobile devices in question or send an IM with the URL (this would work for mobile attendees that have Mobile Communicator 2007

Note: If this is an adhoc meeting you can use the Microsoft Lync integration built-in to PowerPoint 2010 broadcast by clicking on “Send IM”. This will pop up a Lync attendee selector


Now all the mobile user needs to do is call into the Lync Meeting for audio and click on the URL and they should have the powerpoint portion.

Note: I’m not sure what mobile devices support PowerPoint Broadcast so you are welcome to advise me in the comments.

Limit of 50 viewers

Requirements for presenter:
PowerPoint 2010

Requirements for attendee:
nothing but one of these browsers and data connection

To see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:

To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

The First Windows Phone SIP Client Hits Marketplace: MobileVoip App IS Tied To Service, But Voip is on Wp7


It appears that the first Voip over GSM/Wifi has made its way onto Windows Phone. I haven’t tested the product and it IS only available to use with select service providers. Also it is specifically notated as BETA. But what is interesting is that a SIP softphone app is now on Windows Phone, so we know its possible. Winking smile And I expect other vendors are some where nearby hatching plans to release their own SIP/VoIP client. (perhaps even an open SIP client?) Here is what MobileVoip says about app:

MobileVoip offers free 3G or WiFi calls for Windows Phone 7, Android, Symbian and iPhone users!

If I am incorrect that this is the first VoIP over 3G/Wifi, please let me know via a comment or @matthewlandis on twitter.


Quality Level: Hobbyist.

#Lync User QuickTip #10: Testing Voice Call Quality BEFORE the Important Call (guru tip as well)


So you got settled in at your hotel or comfy café and your ready to make an important voice call using Microsoft Lync. Your just a little skeptical of the internet speed and you want to make sure the call quality is good—what do you do?

Of course, you click on the “Phone” tab and do a 1-click “Check”. So simple. So smart.

But Lync gurus, don’t be offended at this simple tip! Andres Gorzelany, reminded me of a Lync expert use for this same service: Test if federation is working, you know, at 2am when no one else is available. Winking smile The simple overview is get the “Audio Test Service” SIP URI of your home Lync Server, keep it with you, and now where ever you are you can “test” other system. So clever. Read the details here.

To see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:

To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

Acknowledgements: Andres Gorzelany. Follow him here!/andygorze

First Impression Video Review of snom UC600 USB Optimized for Microsoft Lync (“Oak” Series) #lync


Below is my quick video review of the snom UC600 USB phone.

My comment about small manual: google polycom cx300 for the larger version. Winking smile

Skype Coming to Windows Phone in “Next Couple Weeks” and Lync too? #skype #lync #wp7


I think it would be accurate to say my eye is on Windows Phone / Lync / SIP / now Skype developments like a hawk. (if pressing refresh on this link everyday qualifies)  I just noticed that Winrumors has an article dated yesterday stating that:

Microsoft is now expected to deliver its Windows Phone 7.5 Skype application in the coming weeks.

Isn’t something déjà vu about that comment “expected in the coming weeks”? Sure is. On September 22, 2011, Kirk Gregersen, senior director for Lync in Microsoft's Office division, talked with InformationWeek and they reported:

“Microsoft in the coming weeks will release a version of its Lync collaboration suite for a number of mobile platforms, a company executive said…”

There likely is no connection except that both Lync  and Skype for Windows Phone appear to be poised to come…soon. Winking smile (since Microsoft has given no verification of Information Week’s “coming in weeks” statement some are giving Lync mobile for WindowsPhone ETA as end of 2011)

This Skype development should not be a surprise because at MIX11 Joe Belifore noted “We’re excited to see Skype come to the platform this fall when all these additional enhancements are available,”

In this blog article I transcribed what was discussed by a Microsoft presenter on some future details of Skype and Lync clients. Since this video was removed I expect we will not see this in first release of Skype.

In any event, WindowsPhone will become an incredibly compelling communication endpoint…SOON. Winking smile

Winrumors article:

#Lync User QuickTip #9: Windows+Q Pops Up Lync…and Other Lync Keyboard Shortcuts

lync keyboard shortcuts

Lync ever get lost in the jungle of windows on your desktop? Well, WindowsKey+Q is the magic key to summon Lync to your beck and call.

And below is a long list of Microsoft Lync shortcuts. Perhaps not a definitive list of Microsoft Lync shortcuts, but if not, I’m not sure I want to see one!

see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:

To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

Source: I was reminded of this during a conversation with @withinrafael

Introducing the Unofficial Microsoft Lync Suggestion List: Ideas & Wishlist Welcome!

After noticing some questions on the Lync forums are asked many times over I thought it might be good to have a public and easy to use feature suggestion portal for Microsoft Lync. This way people can see if, indeed, what they are looking for is there or not.
So after getting some input if this would be beneficial from "top Lync community echelons" ;-) and being encouraged to move from inside Microsoft I decided to "make it happen".
So, why the Microsoft Lync Suggestion List?
  • Compile an organized list of whats there and whats not
  • See what the community wants to see in Lync by popular demand
  • Have a simple and easy place to add suggestions
  • Have an productive outlet for those days...
So,  submit and vote on ideas straight away!

Note: This portal works beautifully on WindowsPhone...and all the other mobile devices. ;-)

ps-If there is any problems using the system, feel welcome to post a comment here.

#Lync User QuickTip #8: Lync Makes Dialing PhoneWords So Simple (example: 1800-Flowers)



So, you heard that 1800-FLOWERS on the radio ( or 1800-BUSINESS, or 1800 whatever! ) and you go home, walk up to your phone and hunt and peck that number in, thinking all the time it would be easier just to type the number? (yeah, me too)

Well trivia time: did you what I just described is called a “Phoneword”? Do not be intimidated, I did not either…until I checked in with Wikipedia:

What if you could just smoothly type “1800flowers” (you know, that PhoneWord) and your phone would just dial the number? Well, it is that easy with Lync! Just type the Phoneword in and press ENTER and, Presto!


Okay, now…go buy your wife some flowers! Winking smile

see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:

To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

Source: Our great Lync consultant Japheth Nolt

#Lync User QuickTip #7: Spell Checker for Lync IM (and everything else in Lync)

UPDATE:  The September 2013 Office update brought Native Lync 2013 spell checker:

So you are using Lync and sending IM’s at light-speed but you still want perfect spelling? With built-in Lync functionality on Windows XP/7 there is no spell checker. But using  PhraseExpress (free for personal use) you can get not only spell checking but also phrase replacement.

You can get the download here:

It just takes a minute to download and install. You can do the Next, Next, Next routine to install. After PhraseExpress is running (as a Tray app) you are ready to roll. How to test? Type in a misspelling like “theri” and as soon as you hit space after the misspelling it will correct it. Yeah, maybe not as cool as built in spell checking—but it should hold us over till Windows8.

PhraseExpress has another handy feature: It can replace abbreviations with the full word. Type in “aka” and watch is suggestion “also known as”.


Another option for the desperate (and I am not promoting this as it is not Microsoft certified or supported, just presenting as an option for the desperate.) I say for the desperate because this involves adding another client and this may not be supported/sanctioned by your administrator. But there is an opensource IM client (IM only, no voice/video/etc) called Pidgin that does OCS/Lync IM and has built in spell checking as shown below.

Its beyond the scope of this article for a how to install but here are some links to get you started: Pidgin IM client and Lync/OCS Plugin:

pidgin for Lync as a spellchecker_low

And just a final note to wet your appetite for Windows 8: It looks like Lync 2010 running on Windows 8 (beta) DOES have spell checking built in! Winking smile If you want to see more how Lync looks on Windows8, please see this article at LyncdUp Blog. Obviously no promises here, but there just might be some spell checker goodness in Lync and Windows8.


UPDATE 10/22/2011: I’m happy to report that Lync for Mac 2011 does have a spell checker built in. Appears spell check is in the future.

To see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:

To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

Acknowledgements:!/tomarbuthnot Tipped me off to this cool tool. Please follow him on twitter.

#Lync User QuickTip #6: How to Add More Callers To A Call (aka Doing a Conference Call With Lync)

In a traditional phone system adding more callers to an existing call is a complicated affair and often involves some head scratching and frustrated people. Many expect Lync to be the same—but it is SIMPLE!
First just click on the “People Options” button in your ongoing conversation.
Next, either select a Person/Contact from the list by Name or number, or type in the phone number you want to call and click OK! Yeah, its THAT easy. Winking smile
You can add as many people the call by just continuing to add them.
Now we will go over the steps to do this same function the below device… Ah, I guess we’ll spare you the pain. Winking smile
To see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series:
To get the Tips as they arrive follow:!/matthewlandis

snom Takes First Baby Step Into Video? snom ICU DoorKeeper, SIP Doorphone from #snom

snom door keeper

snom has toyed with displaying video on the snom 800 series phones but it appears they are ready to enter the market with a product: The snom ICU doorkeeper. This is a h.264 based door phone unit. What is interesting is that snom notes you can view the door phone video from the “Talk and Pop” software OR the snom 8xx series color screen. See quote below:

When the Talk & Pop soft client is used to receive the calls, the video is displayed on the receiving party’s PC, where Accept and Reject buttons allow the receiving party to either “buzz” in the visitor or deny access to the visitor. The snom 800 IP phone series can also be used by the receiving party to view the video; however, this is heavily dependent on the IPBX.

If this unit is anything like the snom PA 1, we can expect to find snom firmware powering this innards of this unit. That fact that the quote above notes doorkeeper is dependent on “the pbx” means that perhaps some video goodness made its way into snom ONE IP PBX? Winking smile

One thing that has me very interested, is the video integrated into the snom firmware? (I have not seen the firmware yet) If so, the possibility that snom now has video expertise to add into their desk phones and pbx lineup is even more interesting to me than this unit itself.

Brochure of ICU DoorKeeper:


UPDATE: reading more it appears the camera and SIP part of this unit are separate? Not using video via SIP? Hmm, messy.

#Lync User QuickTip #5: Update Lync, Twitter and Linked-In Status In One Fell Swoop

Ever wish you could update social sites like Twitter and Linked-in at the same time as Lync status? Now you can thanks to a simple to install addon for Lync called LyncSocial.
A couple nice things about this addon for Lync:
  • Any end user can install and setup in minutes
  • You can decide to send/not send each Lync status update to Twitter/Linked-In by simple hashtag
  • You use the Lync UI just like you are now to make Status updates
  • The addon is Free. Can’t beat that.
Basic Steps to do it:
  1. Go download Lync Social at:
  2. Install and setup as shown below
  3. Change your Lync status and include #TW #LI hashtag in status as shown
  4. If this is first time you will get authorization steps
  5. Status is posted!
After performing the above steps you should see your Lync status also posted to Twitter.
Note: I had some questions about whether its nesseary to install LyncSocial on each computer Lync is used on and the answer is no. Just install it on a computer that is running the most and when the status is changed from any PC using the same Lync user, voila!
To see more of the “Lync 30 Second Tip of the Day” Series: